Warbirds. AI bots’ behavior during climb to altitude is improved
DCS: P-47D Thunderbolt by Eagle Dynamics
- Tail damage fixed – the whole tail unit isn’t drop with any destroyed element.
- The pilot is visible from distance.
- Fixed issue with the texture on the Left Intercooler.
- Fixed compass backlight isn’t controlled by switch
DCS: Mosquito FB VI by Eagle Dynamics
- Gunsight glass is fixed
- Added two Mosquito RP-3 practice missions
DCS: P-51 Mustang by Eagle Dynamics
- Fixed non transparent bullet holes
- Fixes to visual damage
- Fixed – with the gear up the Tail wheel is visible on far LOD
- Magnetos are mixed up in the damage model – fixes
DCS: FW 190A-8 Anton by Eagle Dynamics
- Starter switch animation is fixed.
- Bombs don’t drop when reloaded with Unlimited ammo – fixed
- WGr21 fuse timing defaulted to A2A instead of A2G
DCS: FW 190D-9 Dora by Eagle Dynamics
- Starter switch animation is fixed.
- Compass bezel is not clickable with mouse – fixed
- Fixed axis controls for radiator flaps
- WGr21 fuse timing defaulted to A2A instead of A2G
DCS: Bf 109K-4 Kurfurst by Eagle Dynamics
- Visual fixes to the 3D model
- Fixed tail damage
- Fixed issues with Flap damage
- Fixed wrong exhaust flare shield
- Fixed muzzle flash visual artifacts
- Fixed damage area shown transparent squares on some LODs
- Fixed refueling with MW-50 causes refueling loop
- Oil pressure starts to drop once about 30% of oil reservoir is empty
DCS: WWII Assets Pack by Eagle Dynamics
- Added MG for M4 Sherman
- Ju-88 AI bug fixes
- Fixed LOD models
- Fixed – tail wheel turning animation exaggerated
- Visual fixes to landing gear animations
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